The Injecti-Port II (P-375) is made up of a stiff stem that rises from a breather foundation
The adaptor is usually secured with the same epoxy that was used to fix the break. A large amount of adhesive is coated to the base's bottom side before it is set against the surface of the concrete. The glue flows through the holes when the adaptor is forced into place. Installation is simplified by the use of a tapered setting tool. The adapter is held in place by the tapered tool while an adhesive paste is applied to its underside. In combination with the placement of the sealant over the break, more epoxy is applied to the port's base. Before a correctly put Injecti-Port II (P-375) will loose bond, the concrete structure will fail. The Injecti-Port II (P-375) are available in the bags of 250 nozzles.