With MasterProtect H 1001 Lubricating oil, greasy, and foods discoloration are reduced by using this super hydrophobic compound
In this Silicon oxide is 100 percent pure. Chloride penetration uptake is prevented. With exceptional penetration depth, Air-driven rain is protected from causing damage to the structure. Surface texture is unaffected by MasterProtect H 1001. Coalescence, environmental discoloration, and mildew are all reduced by using a surface sealant. Interior humidity can escape without harming the sealant if the sealer is breathable.
MasterProtect H 1001 is appropriate for cold-weather operations because it is solvent-based. Excellent water repellency, allowing it to gain a deeper insight into the cracks of pavement and react chemically to generate a long-lasting liquid-repellent surface. It is corrosion resistant, and extremely durable therefore it protects lateral substrate that are prone to traffic abrasion, such as highway bridges and motorway pavements, for a considerable time.